Teen and Adolescent Counseling

From busy involvement with school, sports, work, and extracurricular activities, to the unique challenges of social media, teens and adolescence today face many pressures. Anxiety, stress, and depression are all too common among this young population.


If you see your teen struggling with signs of anxiety or depression, teen counseling can be really helpful for them. Signs to watch for include excessive stress or worrying, withdrawal from friends and family, anger outbursts, frequent crying, trouble sleeping, sudden weight loss or gain, dramatic drop in grades, or thoughts of self-harm or not wanting to be around anymore.


We have a special passion for working with teens and adolescence. As many of us struggled with anxiety and depression as young people. Teen counseling helps a great deal and we are called to help teens going through difficult times. We have found that kids really love to have someone to talk to who can understand what they are going through, but who is not a peer but rather an adult they can trust. Because of our experience as well as our specialization with teenagers, we see a lot of improvement in self-esteem, coping tools, and mood with the kids we work with. The most important aspect of counseling to us is building the trust and relationship so that they feel safe to talk about everything and listen to the guidance we offer.


Don't hesitate to reach out about getting help for your teen and adolescence. Teen counseling can be a safe place to talk about what is troubling them, learn tools to help them manage stress and emotions, and find peace with themselves.


Awakenings Counseling Center - info@awakeningscounseling.com