Anger Management
Anger management can affect your entire outlook on life while taking a huge emotional toll on your relationships and overall health. The smallest annoyance can make you angry causing tension with the people around you and causing your stress levels to skyrocket. If you suffer with anger management, many times you may find yourself escalating and going from one subject to the next without being able to resolve the issue at hand. Anger then becomes the problem rather than the situation at hand. It can cause serious relationship problems with important people in your life.
Signs that you may have an Anger Management problem:
You become angry quickly and often
You are overly defensive
Verbally and/or physically abusive
Have a hard time letting go of the past or past hurts
Uncontrollable moments of rage or anger
Though everyone gets angry at one time or another, as it is a natural human emotion, at times it can be hurtful and create distance and conflict with important people in your life. We will work with you to express hurt and disappointment with manageable emotions in a way that leads to more understanding.
Anger Management Counseling
Our trained and certified therapists have the patience, knowledge, and understanding to help you get past your anger. You will learn how to recognize unreasonable and unhealthy thought patterns and ideas that cause you to become angry and learn to control your anger in a healthy and reasonable way.
Call us today at 224.357.0540 so we can better understand your challenges and help you set up an appointment. If you’d like us to call you, fill out our online contact form and one of our trained staff will contact you, there is hope.