Marriage Counseling
Update on COVID-19
The health and safety of all of our patients continues to be our first priority in the wake of the evolving situation around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Awakenings Counseling Center will remain OPEN as long as we can offer a safe and healthy environment for our patients and our staff. We remain committed to delivering exceptional care for our patients, while doing our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including monitoring of the health and well being of our staff. Based on recent scientific evidence on best practice to slow the spread of the virus, the following action plan is in place:
We will be wiping down surfaces including door handles, tables, countertops several times per day using anti-bacterial and anti-virus wipes/spray.
Access to hand sanitizer for our patients and staff.
Waiting rooms are closed, wait your car and text your therapist for entry.
Counseling rooms will follow enhanced disinfecting procedure between each appointment
Health officials are recommending a distance of at least 6 feet. We ask our patients to be adhere to the following office precautions:
Limit number of people attending an appointment. Please do not bring additional people who are not involved in treatment (ex.- siblings)
If you are unable to attend a session in-person because one of the reasons listed above, please contact the office or your provider about making alternate arrangements for your treatment. We do provide tele-health (video/audio) sessions.
You can visit our locations, have an in-person session and never have any direct contact with anyone, which is being closer than 6 feet for more than 10 minutes (according to CDC guidelines).
you have a fever, and any of these other symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, or fatigue.
you have been near someone during the previous 14 days who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or has traveled to an area identified by the CDC as a Level 3 Travel Health Notice location.
We will continue taking proper precautions as outlined in our policies and will adjust our actions based on recommendations from local government as well as the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We recognize that these are unsettling times and we want you to know that your safety and well being are our first priority. Please reach out to us at with any questions or concerns during this time.